
Friday, January 30, 2009

A little better and Another surprise!

Ok so I am feeling somewhat better. I cannot believe on how painful this really is. I never dreamed it would be so horrid and I am getting to where I can walk around and not die from pain.
I had to go to my weight doctor today and to my surprise I lost 5 more pounds today. Okay so I ate more than normal the past month and I also have not had time to walk or run bleachers or ride the bike at the gym due to all the junk going on around here. But I am still doing okay. I cannot wait til I am back to my full work out capability-I miss it.
Kat has recovered from strep throat.
Shawn is recovering well from pleurisy. Hopefully we will survive this winter without breathing treatments. If we do it will be the first winter in his life that we haven't been on the breathing treatments.
I am in finals this week-almost done with the associates part. Time has flown by and I am hoping I have the strength to finish this up-it is so hard do this with everything else in life.

Well that is all I know-hollar later-Amber

1 comment:

Mike and Cymbre said...

wow!! That's crazy!! Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm sure it is painful.