
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Picking the RIGHT leader!

Today I have spent my time with Shawn and silently praying and thinking about our country that we live in.
I look at how proud we should be of it and how we really have never had it hard like some countries.
Then I think of those who have died for our freedom and wonder what they would think of today as everyone is electing a new leader. This election is by far the scariest one I have seen.
One reason is because it is no longer just about the issues of money, healthcare, abortion and things like that.
It is about soo much more like race, sexism, age prejudice, not being a Christian, not being an American, having ties with the religion that killed so many of our own innocent people not long ago.
I am proud that America has come so far as to even let a man that is not white to even think of running. I am proud that it is allowing a woman on the ballot and giving her a chance to show that we are being given a chance.
I am not proud that we are turning our backs on our values that this country was built on. How can we even think about letting a person into our office to lead us that does not have a clue about what the Bible says. He was raised in a religion that hates and is raised to kill those who do not believe the way they do. We have seen people killed for the religion that he was raised in. Ok so he claims he is not at all that way-whatever! The man has friends that have claimed to be ashamed of being in this country. Our fallen soldiers are crying today that we as a country would stand for that.
No I am not saying that everything John McCain has said is wonderful either but at least I know he has always been proud of America and was not raised to hate America and it's values. I know that this race has not been about issues. I say he went to war for us, he knows what being American is worth and will defend that even to the death-he proved that by surviving what he has.
It has been about black vs white. Man vs woman. Old vs young.
Ok here is what I do know-any person running should always be proud of this country no matter what. Any person running should have at least been inlisted and knows what it's like to sacrifice your life for the country. Any person running should rise above and not do personal attacks. Any person running needs to take a look back-and go back to what this country was built on-The Bible.
I am tired of hearing the talk: He is too old. He is unqualified. She is stupid. She can't do the job because it will neglect the handicapped child in her life. If anything that child will get the best care it will ever have and it could start shedding light one what mental retardation and downsyndrome is.
Pray that the right man who is elected will first pray to God and let God have control over the country again. And not try to take him off money, pledge of allegiance. Pray that we become a country that once again looks down on abortion, divorce, homosexuality and allows us control over our homes and children.
Ok I'm done ranting and I am sorry but I do not hate either canidate and do not mean to offend anyone but it is my freedom of speech. I just hope that I still have that tonight.

Hollar later!

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